M-9, r. 12.01 - Regulation respecting certain professional activities that may be engaged in orthopedics by persons other than physicians

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7. In order to engage in the activities referred to in section 6, a nursing assistant must successfully complete the supplementary training program “Immobilisations plâtrées pour infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires” given by a hospital centre approved by the Minister of Health and Social Services, including
(1)  21 days of plaster cast immobilization training consisting of 9 modules, totalling 90 hours and covering theoretical concepts, learning exercises, the development of clinical laboratory skills and clinical supervision involving
(a)  the legal framework;
(b)  the anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal, neurovascular and tegumentary systems;
(c)  the types of fracture;
(d)  scarring;
(e)  the main plaster immobilizations and splints;
(f)  the installation and removal of plaster cast immobilizations and splints;
(g)  orthopedic devices and ambulatory devices;
(h)  the signs and symptoms associated to various complications and risks of plaster casts and splints;
(i)  major recommendations to the patient;
(j)  the role of the interdisciplinary team; and
(k)  the documentation in the clinical record;
(2)  pass a written examination on the training elements described in subparagraph 1;
(3)  successfully apply 3 types of immobilizations selected by the hospital centre that provides the training.
A nursing assistant who successfully completes the training program referred to in the first paragraph obtains an attestation from the nursing branch of the hospital centre that provided the training.
O.C. 900-2013, s. 7.